I keep humming that song from The Talented Mr. Ripley
The parents are going to Italy for all of July. To help myself with the wallowing in self-pity (as I am NOT invited) I have been cooking Italian food in the four hours in between my internship and my waitressing shift the past few weeks. Today has been brought to you by:
Lemon & Pistachio Biscotti with Dark Chocolate
The recipe really only said "Pistachio!" Biscotti - but I had lemons that were going bad and, in the grand scheme of things, adding chocolate to something is usually a sure-fire means of SUCCESS (Miss Marie may or may not have rubbed off on me a tad this past year). So, friends, witness, the deliciousness that is:
Mmhmmm....now all I need is some good coffee and I'll be set!
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