Bananas go to law school, too!


Full Steam Ahead on the S.S. Failure?

I feel like I hit some sort of large brick wall within the last week as far as "law school" goes. Putting my mind around the fact that April is almost here and, with that, finals is a little striking and stressful, at best. Everyone I've talked to is in the same boat, so, we're all currently conspiring how to steer the boat with the maximum amount of alcohol running through our systems. When I was in Boston a few weeks ago and was at a friend's house and, when offered a glass of wine, said "Yes, PLEASE!" a BU Law kid said "Obviously, you're a law student." How true, how true.

Good Thing #1, though: FANTASY BASEBALL (and, with it, real baseball) is starting on Sunday. I'm pleased with my team, so far. There are 15 people in the league, so it was a little rough trying to get solid players in the later rounds of the draft, but I can't complain. We'll see how well the team turns out after a few weeks of the season get under way. Because I like making lists, though, I'm listing my baseball team. LISTS. LISTS. LISTS.

Real-world MLB prediction: The Cubs will either end up last in their division or win the World Series. Obviously, I'm rooting for the latter.

Pink Penguins; Banana Invitational, 2006
M. Barrett
M. Teixeira
B. Mueller
V. Castilla
J. Uribe
H. Matsui
A. Rowand
J. Gomes
T. Helton
T. Hafner
O. Hudson
D. Eckstein
J. Pierre
J. Smoltz
R. Clemens
D. Davis
J. Iringshausen
C. Reitsma
J. Vazquez
K. Calero
R. Madson
J. Marquis
D. Cabrera
T. Ohka