Tomorrow, Tomorrow
So, I'm working for a hospital. Apparently, my Big Job is to re-write an informed consent form this summer. I HOPE HOPE there will be more to do becuase, even sans laptop, that would be pretty lame-o.
In an effort not to lose this job on account of Ridiculous Blog (as opposed to Ridiculous Attitude or Not Showing Up) - I might not be able to recount all the HILARIOUS things that will happen to me this summer.
I am also a waitress. And I think that I might be able to sneak some clever stories. And, really, unlike talking about the two other people I work with at the hosptial legal department - the restaurant have a CONSTANT INFLUX of crazy people. And with them, their stories. So get excited.
I start on Saturday. At 5AM. Oh dear God, save me - that will be rough. My first waitressing day in eight months will be start earlier than I've gotten up since swim team practice in high school. I would worry that I would accidentally spill a bowl of hot soup on a bald man's head (like I "almost" did last summer) - but breakfast food is decidedly un-spillable - unless someone orders porridge. In which case THEY ARE GETTING THEY'RE OWN DAMN PORRIDGE.
Early to bed, early to rise.
Aw, sorry team
They'll probably be gone soon. If you don't know what I'm talking about, they rhyme with "fad" and are about two inches north of this here dot: . (<-- that was the dot!) Hearts, Banana
Dear Chicago,
Except one thing.
For the love of God, play it cool. We have exactly two "real" celebrities hanging out in Chicago. Vince Vauhgn and Jennifer Aniston. Granted, it's neat! It's great! And if I were to pass them down the street, I would obviously gawk and be excited. But I must law down the law.
You need to get them off the evening news. Look they're at a Cubs game! Look they're at the beach! It's great! LOOK LOOK LOOK WE HAVE FAMOUS PEOPLE.
Awesome, Chicago newscasters. Awesome. I understand the whole Second City mentality (more like third, or even fourth city when it comes to celebrities). But you're EMBARASSING ME!! I lived in New York City for the past nine months. That's where we're super-great and super-chill when it comes to celebrities. And, gosh, you guys are just SO NOT PLAYING IT COOL! So, why not set up a Chicago version of Gawker Stalker, a personal favorite, and you can gawk and stalk and follow up and tell people where "all" the celebrities are. That would be cool. But having reputable newspeople interviewing the restaurant owner from where Aniston/Vaughan ate dinner this week is LAME AND NEEDS TO STOP.
Granted, this is coming from the same newscast that features Mr. Food ("boiled hot dogs and food coloring arranged into this PATRIOTIC FLAG!") and All My Children Jeopardy (don't ask). But still. Try to play it like you're like a part of the slightly-nerdy fraternity having an open party. and you see a mega hot girl. YOU DON'T MAKE A BIG SCENE! You don't go around and follow her and try to see if maybe you can take a picture of your buddies letting off a bottle rocket and then at the VERY LAST MINUTE you swing the camera a bit to the right so it's KINDA like you were able to get a picture with her, but not really. You sit back, pretend like it's normal and maybe she'll have a good enough time to stay awhile - and maybe come back.
Take a moment to laugh, a little bit
Very unhappy.
Edit: I don't want to jinx it. So I won't say anything. But a hairdryer, towel and tweezers might just be magical magical things. But I'm not going to jinx it.
Edit 2: I think I might have spoken too soon. I got all the liquid out, but I think the sugar and acid from the grapefruit are doing a number on my harddrive. Who am I? Who does this? Spill a grapefruit on a laptop. Saving grace: law school 1L is over and all the stuff on my hard drive really don't matter. BUT I need my laptop for my law job this summer and I would hate to tell my boss on Wednesday that I can't do my job yet because my laptop smells like a grapefruit. I'm letting the guy settle for the weekend. In the meantime, I'm selling every book I own, essentially, on amazon and am considering "selling out" with some garbage addies on this blog. But that would be lame. And if there's anything I'm NOT, it's lame! RIGHT!? Right?
Edit 3: Has anyone had any advice on using EBay to buy a laptop? Any advice if, hypothetically, that's my new plan?
Kinkos & FedEx Stink
So I call the local Kinkos FedEx place to make sure that the magical tracking number on my Package of Law Journal Hope will (a) track what time a package was sent and (b) will be able to track a package that was sent after business hours. The guy on the other end of the line CLEARLY has no idea what he is talking about.
Me: I just want to make sure that the tracking number FedEx gives me will record the time the package is sent.
Mr. Kinko: What is your tracking number?
Me: No, no, I just want to make sure that's a service FedEx offers.
Mr. Kinko: Well, if you pay by credit card, you can verify the time you paid for it.
Me: Well, shouldn't the tracking number tell me what time the package was sent?
Mr. Kinko: You can tape a copy of your receipt to your package.
-Seriously, Martha Stewart?!?!? -
Me: But the tracking number won't have that information?
Mr. Kinko: Well, if you need me to, I can call 1-800-GO-FEDEX and check.
Me: Oh no, you've been more than helpful. click.
Sigh, I am going to go ahead and call FedEx myself because I don't so much "trust" Mr. Kinko.
Act II
Me: I am trying to figure out if the tracking number would have the time a package was sent.
Mrs. FedEx: What is your tracking number?
Me: I have no tracking number. I did not send a package.
Mrs. FedEx: You can access your tracking number online.
Me: No, no, I'm talking hypothetically here. If I WERE to send a package with FedEx [seriously doubting the wiseness of that plan now..] would the recipient have access to the time the package was sent when they recieve it.
Me: Okay. I have a deadline tomorrow at 7PM. If I send a package before 7PM, will there be any way for the person who gets it to know that I have sent it by the deadline?
Mrs. FedEx: Well, the package will have a tracking number.
Me: But does that tracking number have the time the package was sent?
Mrs. FedEx: Well, you can access your tracking number online at www.FedEx.com
Me: And would that show when the package was sent?
Mrs. FedEx: Well, yes....
Oh, is it that obvious, really, that it needed to take seven minutes and all I wanted was a human being to tell me that NO you will not fail the law review game by sending your ream of paper to Sir Law Review via FedEx. Thank you.
And I still have NO IDEA whether FedEx will let me send a package after business hours (say, 5:59:59PM CDT) and timestamp it as such. Because everyone at FedEx is a moron. Does anyone out there in the grand internet know?
Meow Mix Meow Mix!
There were more hilarious items in SkyMall but I have NO TIME because I spent all of Tuesday packing and traveling and didn't really get that much work done. And it's smack dab in the middle of the Very Important Writing Competition, so I need to be back to work. It might be a late night tonight, folkies.
Super-sad to be gone - I miss NYC :( But I have a feeling once I start working and waitressing I'll get back into it - ("it" being Chicago) RIGHT??? RIGHT????
Things I Learned During the Writing Competition
I just typed "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog," for 10 minutes, breaking it up sometimes by typing "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy LOG" because that's FUNNY! How can a log be lazy?!? It just lies there! That's what logs DO!
In any event, a little PSA to fellow writing competition laborers -- only 7.3 pages! Woo!
Edit: Emily, it's only 3.5 single-spaced Times New Roman pages --- we're seriously over half-way done! And we haven't even started!
Done, Not So Much
And, therefore, ended the booze-a-thon that has been the last five days. There was much merriment, but now the merriment must end!! Four days of writing and bluebooking and kinda being in NO MOOD to do anything except eat spaghettios and drink lukewarm wine.
But, unfortunately, My Future depends on the next four days. I can't talk about it - talking about the packet/prompt is punish-worthy! Death by guillotine or exclusion from le law review! Egads!
So, since you don't want THAT to happen --- here are two commericals. For carbon dioxide. Paid for by- you guessed it - gas companies. I laughed. And then remembered that people will soon watch these ads and, like the meatnormous egg sandwich from BK, EAT MORE GASOLINE.
Ad Numero Uno
Ad Numero Dos
Oh, and the second ad cites some research about growing ice caps.
The climate scientists at realclimate.org explain:
However, Johanessen et al. were not able to measure all of the coastal ranges. Indeed, the thinning of the margins and growth in the interior Greenland is an expected response to increased temperatures and more precipitation in a warmer climate. These results present no contradiction to the accelerated sliding near the coasts.
Why I am a Quitter
The reason I did not go to Jeopardy this morning was because there is a large contingent of the trying-out community that bought fake clickers "to practice." So they could get their timing down. This, and the fact that "U.S. Presidents, Shakespeare, State Birds, Prime Ministers, Rivers of the World and Brands of Pocket Protectors" have been FLASHCARDED and studied for months now. And I would be totally fine just taking the fake exam and a FABULOUS personality interview because at 9 this morning I probably would still have been drunk which makes my already-fabulous personality FABULOUS.
But it was the mock-jeopardy game that freaked me out. Would I write my name in script? ALL CAPS! Put a little jaunty Uncle Moneybags Hat on top of the "A" of "Anna'?
I would have NO CHANCE against the contingent of super-nerds that have been practicing with their fake-but-OFFICIAL!-JEOPARDY!-CLICKERS! I would just stand there and say "I like hot dogs!" AND THAT WOULD GET ME NO POINTS!
So, instead, maybe this summer I will make a list of Currencies of the World and buy a 20 dollar clicker online and practice. But I have resigned myself that three days after 1L of law school is not "the time" to try out for Jeopardy. I've already milked my Consitution Team champion-ness for all it's worth this year. Next year will be the year of my drunken ramblings about SCHOLASTIC BOWL!! And you WILL see me! With BELLS ON!
I quit!
Maybe next year, we shall meet, Trebeck! Maybe next year!
Now I am filled with a sense of ennui
Sunday starts the writing competition - and in a WEEK I will be truly, literally, 100% done with my first year of law school. And that means only two more years of aimless musings on this here bloggie. SAD FACE, NO?
'twas the night before con law
But I going to pull a Gross Thing and wear the same shirt I wore today, tomorrow. It's good luck! It has a hawk (bacaw!) gripping a copy of the Consitution in his talons. IN HIS TALONS PEOPLE. TALONS!
That being said, I Hope to God (really) that I don't show up tomorrow and forget the little bit of knowledge that is being precariously balanced in between "where I can find the nearest BurritoBox, Burritoville and that sack of burittos I bought for a stamp last semester" and "colors that end in 'urple."
SPEAKING OF COLORS THAT END IN URPLE. Friday morning is Make-Out-With-Alex-Trebeck-Day! Excitement! Tomorrow night I am going to some trivia night in the west village with law school friends because the only way to get myself on the Jeopardy is by trying to force myself to remember things when I'm drunk - that way it will be THAT MUCH EASIER when I get to do it "sober" on national television. See, it's just like tapering for swim team. Now With Extra Booze!
I Hate All That You Stand For
This will come in handy when I am studying for the MPRE.
The Creed Of The Locksmith
A Locksmith always remembers his public trust. With him rests the security of property and fortune. As a public guardian, he shuns the dishonest, the wicked and the avaricious. For thousands of years, he and his predecessors have placed trust and honor above temptation. His honesty is incorruptible. His allies are the custodians of law and order. He is an artist at his trade and the symbol of skill and integrity to the world.
Ehh, Mea Culpa!!
no one has to retake any contracts exam. apparently, when i get my news seven people removed from the actual source, i get some "facts" "wrong."
details, details.
Last weekend of not-fun!!
Contracts went "well." Well in the sense that there was absolutely no benefit to me studying - 3 hours for an open book exam that had a two-page handwritten limit per question (there were 3) which meant that for every hour-long question, everyone in the class had a good 40-45 minutes to "reasearch." It was much less a test of Contracts Knowledge then an assessment of how well you can use an index. That being said, I could have very well gotten a C, thanks to the forced curve and I am frustrated that I wasted my time studying Ks when I should have been studying Con Law. But such is the life, no? I suppose if any professor would have pulled a tricky trick like that, it would have been professor flip flops, so...the only thing to do is move on.
I cannot wait until Tuesday at noon-thirty - I might forgo coffee in my travel mug and pour some delicious delicious booze in there instead - I will not be able to make it back to my room sober.
But then again, I kinda like my section people-folk, so, I guess it's a TOSS UP.
I work for the Department of the Redundancy Department
Boys and girls, let's learn about material breach:
A total material breach is a material breach which cannot be cured. If one party has committed a material breach and it cannot be cured, there is a total material breach.
A breach cannot be cured if it is the type of breach which cannot be cured.
I work for the Department of the Redundancy Department
Boys and girls, let's learn about material breach:
A total material breach is a material breach which cannot be cured. If one party has committed a material breach and it cannot be cured, there is a total material breach.
A breach cannot be cured if it is the type of breach which cannot be cured.
I'm sorry, David Blainie.
NYT, what?
Oh New York Times, you always know how to go straight to my heart.
And I'll TELL YOU. My hand hurt SO MUCH after a three-hour handwritten exam. I'll take floating in bathwater and then crying on national television over that.
One is Silver and the Other....
In other news, Mr. David Blaine might die on national television tonight. Suddenly, Contracts became bunches more interesting and less death-y. I TOTALLY get seeing him in a fish tank every night at 2am; that's normal, almost makes me a cooler person. BUt I don't want to watch his death-palms turn into death-body. Of course, if anything horrible happens, I'll be deleting this paragraph because my WITTY BANTER is only entertaining when it's not true. But seriously, I hope nothing bad happens because it would SUCK to have to get rid of my comedic gold.
That Waiter Just Torted My Ass
I just can't wait until one and a half weeks from now, for our Weekend Of Fun! (four days between end of finals and start of writing competition). It'll be just like Senior Year except everyone's a little more pale, unhappy, drinking more straight liquor than "mixed drinks" and every few hours someone is going to throw in a prima facie case for SOMETHING they learned this year.
David Blaine report: still pruny, more lethargic. Went there last night and, after scowling at the poeple who dared to have a good time and smile and not be studying, David Blaine just sat around his tank like a Beta Fish.
David Blaine & the Snow Globe
Edit: I found a picture of his palms - yesterday - so they must be worse now. Oh MAN, mega-gross! WHY?!?
In other news, this clip of Tom Cruise dancing may or may not be the funniest thing I've seen IN A LONG TIME. It's hilarious with no sound becuase the movements are so awkward - but WITH sound you can hear everyone laughing at him, so it's really a toss up. Enjoy!
One Down!
No more gossip!
First Final.
and this blog will get less live-journal-y post-finals. PROMISE.